Friday, August 15, 2008

Loving others....

A civilized person should walk upright and live according to righteous customs. One should love others and treat others the way that he or she wants to be treated. By doing this, one can experience true love in life. Society gets the word "love" twisted in all forms. To many people, love could be described as good sex. For others it can be used as a method to get what you want from a person. Both of these choices are WRONG. To walk upon this earth and being able to forgive others that persecuted you is the way of true love. Regardless of all the name calling one has endured in the past. A person should accept others of all backgrounds, ethnicity, and religion in order to truly care. In my opinion, love exists only in the spiritual field and not the physical.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Finding yourself...

One will wander the world aimlessly in order to find the true person within. Many will act or do certain things that is against their morals in order to be noticed by others. For the one that is able to be an individual that is different from others, he or she is labeled as someone. I consider myself as someone great. I love to have fun and enjoy life. It doesn't matter what others think. To be happy today is to be blessed later in life. I will show the world the person that I am. To be yourself and live right each day is the way to find your true self!