Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Self Improvement

Hello, everyone. I hope all of you are well while reading this. I most certainly am. I thank the good Lord that I'm alive and well. Also, I'm able to write to you all once again. First, I would like to share with you all that I have been improving myself for these past couple of years since my last post. It's been quite the struggle but I'm becoming the best "me" that I can be. All of my life I was under the impression that I had to act like someone else in order to succeed. I tried many techniques in order to copy someone else to get my point across in this thing called life. Many times I have often ignored my own talents! I'm thankful that it's all behind me now! As of right now, I have been tremendously blessed. I am a streamer on Twitch and I'm starting to become successful at what I do: Gaming! Almost everyday, I'm able to bring forth online content to make a name for myself. Being able to work for myself in the things I love doing is better than working for the man! Plus, I've started my animations to share on YouTube. They will be out soon! I'm thankful for you all. My readers, subscribers, followers, etcetera that helped me to get to this point in my life.  With fingers crossed,  I pray that I will be very successful at what I do.  Thank you for reading! Like, follow, subscribe, and donate if you are interested. I'm nothing without you guys! 😉😚